Stony Brook Cancer Center
Stony Brook Cancer Center congratulates East Coast Nurseries, a Long Island-based wholesale nursery, on their new sun safety employee policy! Outdoor workers have a 60% greater risk of developing skin cancer than people who work indoors, but by incorporating sun safe practices into the workplace, the risk can be reduced. Stony Brook Cancer Center was invited to East Coast Nurseries to celebrate the adoption of the new policy and lead their first sun safety employee training, pictured above. Employees read along with us as we discussed sun safety strategies for the outdoor workplace, such as applying sunscreen before and during work, wearing protective clothing, and working in shaded areas. Employees also received wide-brimmed hats, UV protective sunglasses, and sunscreen.
Thank you to East Coast Nurseries for taking action against skin cancer! To learn more about sun safety policies for your workplace, contact your local CPiA office.