Employers can play an important role in increasing life-saving cancer screenings for employees by offering a cancer screening paid time off benefit. If your business or organization would like to learn more about adopting a paid time off for cancer screening policy, contact a local Cancer Prevention in Action office in your county.
Image Description: Several CPiA-branded educational materials about paid time off for cancer screenings including flyers, brochures, and social media graphics
Talk to your healthcare provider about what cancer screenings are right for you.
Encourage your employees to use their Paid Time Off Cancer Screening Benefit and talk to their healthcare provider to make an informed decision about which cancer screenings they need each year.

Image Description: A text-based image of a checklist with header:“Paid time off includes screening for:”. Underneath header are six checked items: 1. “breast cancer”, 2. “cervical cancer”, 3. “colon cancer”, 4. “lung cancer”, 5. “prostate cancer”, 6. “skin cancer”.