The Broome County Health Department has announced new sun safety and paid time off for cancer screening policies at Hulbert Engineering and Land Surveying! Both policies went into effect on January 1st at the Binghamton-based engineering firm. Building an environment for employees to protect themselves by preventing skin cancer as well as time off for a cancer screening exam each year demonstrates a commitment to a healthy workforce. Being up to date with recommended screenings for cancers, including breast, cervical, and colorectal can improve health outcomes and save lives. Providing a paid time off for cancer screening benefit encourages employees to prioritize their health and find cancers before they start or early, when treatment is most successful. In addition to improving employee health, preventative cancer screenings reduce health care costs and reduce related business expenditures. President, Gene Hulbert Jr. shared, ”It is important that all our employees are provided with education and sun protection measures to provide a safe environment to work in. That includes a paid time off benefit for annual cancer screenings as well as protective clothing and gear from the sun’s harmful rays. We understand the magnitude of cancer, and hope prevention and early detection could potentially save their lives.”